We Celebrate You
Black America for the flavor that you provide! The richness of the music, food, sports, math, science, literature, arts, and entertainment still does not truly cover the magnitude of the impact that you have made in every segment of society in America today! For that, we say thank you!
We celebrate you Black America because, in the face of slavery, racism, injustices, civil rights, and more, you never gave up! I have witnessed your faith, resiliency, endurance, strength, courage, and boldness firsthand. You are overcomers! Victors, not victims!
Although the negative will always be evident let us focus on the cheerful and with hope and prayer believe that things will continue to change and get better for those who see themselves as invincible to the evils of this world.
Family Synergy Restoration Center (FSRC) strongly advocates supporting families in need of hope in an otherwise hopeless situation! It does not matter race, color, or gender we believe that love is a genuine response to the world's ills today.